الاثنين، 27 أبريل 2009

case 15

الصوره منقوله

general aspect: 28 years old patient with primary infertility since 4 years.she is not obese ,no abnormal hair distribution and no galactorhea. she complains uterine bleeding since 11 days.she had apast history of mastectomy secondary to breast cancer 1 year ago ,taking chemotherapy uptil now which affected her liver functions as she said .she mentioned extreme oligomenorrhea and cycle irrigularities.her u/s showed ovarian enlargment and multiple follicles(12)all of small size


to identify the cause of bleeding in this case all except
D&C biopsy
prothrombin time & activity
cervical smear
prolactin level
hormonal profile in PCOS may include all except
elevated serum FSH
elevated LH
elevated prolactin
elevated androstendione
elevated estrogen
to treat acase of PCOS all except
clomephine citrate
aromatase inhibitors