الأربعاء، 25 مارس 2009

case 14

general aspect : 27 years old primigravida in her 34 week of gestation complains watery vaginal discharge which is milky white ,spontaneous and increases with movement since 5 days .u/s was done and proved to be acase of preterm premature rupture of membranes

amniotic fluid index will be in case of oligohydraminos: choose

less than 5

between 5-10

between 10-15

more than 20

if this case was complicated by infection ,leukocytes number over 11,000 will be
suggestive .t/f
for management of this case GA 34 wks while tocolytic score is <4:choose>


excessive hydration

betamethazone L/S is 2:1
after delivery immediate cord clamping is indicated t/f

الأربعاء، 11 مارس 2009

case 13

Male patient presented with fracture shaft of both tibia and fibula .reduction & fixation was done by pop cast .later on the next mornoing he experienced severe pain and tingling in his foot and tightness in his leg after initial improvement.the cast was removed and his leg was covered by haemorrhagic bullae as in the photo.the preripheral pulse is palpable but pale extremeties with painful foot movement

the diagnosis may be choose
acute osteomyelitis
compartment syndrome
crush syndrome
fat embolism
to confirm the previous diagnosis choose
1retrograde after fasciotomy
2muscle enzymes
3measuring intracompartmental pressure
4abscent peripheral pulsation
5non of the above
as amanagement of fracture tibia and fibula all except choose
external fixation
skin graft
intramedullary nail
plate and screws for the fibula