general aspect : 27 years old primigravida in her 34 week of gestation complains watery vaginal discharge which is milky white ,spontaneous and increases with movement since 5 days .u/s was done and proved to be acase of preterm premature rupture of membranes
amniotic fluid index will be in case of oligohydraminos: choose
less than 5
between 5-10
between 10-15
more than 20
if this case was complicated by infection ,leukocytes number over 11,000 will be
suggestive .t/f
for management of this case GA 34 wks while tocolytic score is <4:choose>
excessive hydration
betamethazone L/S is 2:1
after delivery immediate cord clamping is indicated t/f
هناك 3 تعليقات:
يا حالاتك ياسيدى
الأول : 5_10
التانى : صح
التالت : الأنتى بيوتك
الرابع : غلط
يرجى إرسال الجوائز على العنوان التالى :
بلدنا - المركز بتاعنا - المحافظة غربية طبعا
بقول ايه
السؤال رقم تلاتة خليها بيتاميثازون
وسيب الباقى زى ما هو
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحبيب رامى سعدهاشكرك جدا على مشاركتك
normal amniotic fluid index is 5-20
olgohydraminos less than 5
normal leukocytic count in pregnant may reach up to 16,000
so it is not suggestive of infection if more than 11,000
after 34 weeks gestation corticosteroids is not indicated specially when L/S ratio 2:1 indicating lung maturity
but tocolytics may be helpful if tocolytic score <4
antibiotic will gaurd against infection and excessive hydration is indicated to inhibit posterior pitutary ADH and oxytocin
finally immediate cord clamping will be indicated to prevent jaundice in this premayure baby
immediate cord clamping is indicated in 1_prematures
2_RH incompatability
3_mother under anethesia or depressants
4_uniovular twins to avoid transfusion syndrome
5_infant of diabetic mother (jaundice)
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