general aspect:49 years old male with periumbilical abdominal pain ,fever and diarhoea for 5 days
no rash no ronchi no splenomegaly yet
leuckocytic count is 12600
CRP is 96 mg/L
against widal in this case is :choose
duration of symptoms
all of the above
after 1 weaks he developed severe epigastric tenderness and mild generalized abdominal
U.S showed thrombosis of the left branch of portal vein
how to manage this case.......
هناك 4 تعليقات:
that is not my case
thank you all
i think it is
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis
so,management by antibiotics
أنا مش عارف
بس هحط رد عشان أعرف أتابع الردود التانية
و أعرف الحل طبعاً
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
against widal in this case is all of the above
typhoid fever is characterized by leukopenia except GIT Hge
also widal test and antibody titre is not effective before 1 week
in typhoid fever constipation is common more than diarhoea
portal vein thrombosis in its left branch to the left lobe of liver causes epigastric pain as portal vein supplies 65_75% of hepatic blood supply .portal thrombosis is due to sepsis, dehydration, cholangitis,appendicitis ,cirrhosisand hyper coagulability .it may be sepsis in this case and itis benign and need no ttt it will re canalize without complication.abdominal distention may be due to asceites
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